Classical Guitar Instruction with Douglas Niedt

Christmas Music
for Classical Guitar

Christmas Dove Christmas music for classical guitar

Christmas Carols for Guitar. FREE!

Easy and Intermediate-Level Arrangements
Free sheet music and free MP3s.

Away in a Manger Christmas music for classical guitar

Away in a Manger

This fairly easy-to-play but beautiful arrangement of Away in a Manger is Doug's Christmas gift for you. It is in standard notation and tab. Doug's performance of the carol may be downloaded as a free MP3.
Take me to the "Away in a Manger" page

The First Noel Christmas music for classical guitar

The First Noel

This is one of Doug's favorite Christmas carols. This easy-to-play arrangement is in standard notation and tab. Doug's performance of the arrangement may be downloaded as an MP3. The arrangement and MP3 are free, a Christmas gift to you! Take me to "The First Noel" page

Greensleeves Christmas music for classical guitar

Greensleeves (What Child Is This?)

A gift of Christmas music. Download Doug's classical guitar arrangement of this timeless classic. In addition to the version in standard notation and tab, Doug provides an annotated version with detailed performance instructions on how to play this beautiful Christmas song. The sheet music and MP3 are free. Merry Christmas! Take me to the "Greensleeves" page

Silent Night Christmas music for classical guitar

Silent Night

This is an easy-to-play guitar arrangement of this Christmas classic. The sheet music is in standard notation and tab. Also, you may download Doug's recording of this timeless Christmas carol for free.
Take me to the "Silent Night" page

We Three Kings Christmas music for classical guitar

We Three Kings

A gift of Christmas music for you. This is an intermediate-level arrangement. Download the arrangement and Doug's performance of this beautiful Christmas song. In standard notation and tab. Take me to the "We Three Kings" page

I Saw Three Ships Christmas music for classical guitar

I Saw Three Ships

Doug provides you with three versions of this arrangement. One is an easy-to-play version. He also includes an intermediate version with more adventurous harmonies and a slightly more difficult version with a section in artificial harmonics. Also included are recordings of the three versions. Take me to the "I Saw Three Ships" page

Coventry Carol Christmas music for classical guitar

Coventry Carol

Doug provides the arrangement in standard notation, standard notation plus TAB, and TAB only. Also, you may download Doug's recording of this unusual Christmas carol for free. Take me to the "Coventry Carol" page

O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
Cradle Song

Sleigh Ride

Also watch Doug play his magical arrangement of Sleigh Ride


Learn more about the Sleigh Ride Sheet Music Package

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Be sure to watch the video on full screen.
Click the icon to the right of the volume/speaker icon in the lower right-hand corner.
Hit escape "ESC" on your keyboard to return to normal viewing.

Page 1 Sleigh Ride Christmas Carol for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace

Jingle Bells

Watch Doug play his fantastic arrangement of Jingle Bells


Learn more about the Jingle Bells Sheet Music Package

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Original arrangement for piano by Doug Hammer as recorded on his CD, Christmas Lights. Guitar adaptation by Douglas Niedt

Be sure to watch the video on full screen.
Click the icon to the right of the volume/speaker icon in the lower right-hand corner.
Hit escape "ESC" on your keyboard to return to normal viewing.

Page 1 Jingle Bells Christmas Carol for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace


O Come O Come Emmanuel

This is a beautiful arrangement of the carol. I have an easier version and an advanced version.

Listen to Doug play the two versions.

Page 1 easier version O Come O Come Emmanuel Christmas Carol for clasical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace
Page 1 O Come O Come Emmanuel advanced version Christmas Carol for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace


1. Standard notation
2. Standard notation plus tab
3. An annotated version (in standard notation plus tab) with detailed performance instructions.


You will receive 1 video of me teaching you how to play the easier arrangement
and 3 (!) videos of me teaching you how to play the advanced arrangement.

Here is a sample video clip from one of the four detailed instructional videos that come with the sheet music package.

Be sure to watch the video on full screen.
Click the icon to the right of the volume/speaker icon in the lower right-hand corner.
Hit escape "ESC" on your keyboard to return to normal viewing.

The O Come O Come Emmanuel Sheet Music Package

The sheet music package of O Come O Come Emmanuel includes SIX VERSIONS of the score:

1. Easier Version in standard notation
2. Easier Version in standard notation and tab
3. Easier Version annotated score with detailed performance instructions in standard notation and tab
4. Advanced Version in standard notation
5. Advanced Version in standard notation and tab
6. Advanced Version annotated score with detailed performance instructions in standard notation and tab

PLUS, you receive four detailed instructional videos to help you learn the piece.

Only $6.00. Note: This arrangement is free for subscribers to my Technique Tip of the Month.

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Christmas Music
for Classical Guitar

Douglas Niedt, In Heavenly Peace Music Book

In Heavenly Peace

Complete Book of Christmas Music

This is a beautifully produced book (in PDF format) of the printed sheet music from Doug's Christmas CD, In Heavenly Peace. The arrangements are note-for-note and thoroughly fingered exactly as Doug plays them on the recording, no compromises!

You receive the music in THREE versions:
1. Standard Notation
2. Standard Notation PLUS Tab
3. Tab only.

This is a digital download.

Only $21.95 No shipping/handling charges
Credit Card or PayPal.

Even though no physical product will be shipped, you will be asked for and must fill in your shipping address.
Your email address is automatically captured when you order.

Please click to go to the STORE to add this item to your shopping cart

$21.95 (no shipping or handling charge)
Pay with credit card or PayPal

Douglas Niedt, In Heavenly Peace CD

In Heavenly Peace CD

Douglas Niedt's In Heavenly Peace CD contains some of the most moving and creative solo guitar music ever recorded.

Doug spent two years researching Christmas music, composing these arrangements, and recording them for your enjoyment. Listen and experience for yourself the wonder, joy, and profound glory of Christmas.

A special 12-page booklet is included in the CD detailing the stories behind the Christmas music.

$12.98 (plus shipping)
Pay with credit card or PayPal

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SPECIAL OFFER: Make your Christmas shopping easy! Give In Heavenly Peace CDs to all your friends and family at Christmas. Order 12 copies. Only $8.00 per CD. Total: $96.00 (plus shipping).

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Traditional French Carol

Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella

The Christmas carol, Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella (Un Flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle in French) tells the story of two milkmaids, Jeanette and Isabella, who went to a stable in Bethlehem to milk the cows only to find the baby Jesus sleeping in the hay. They were so filled with excitement that they took their torches and ran to the village to spread the news of the newborn Christ child. The townspeople came with their own torches to view the sight for themselves. However, they had to keep their voices down so little Jesus could enjoy his dreams. To this day in the Provence region, children dress up as shepherds and milkmaids, carrying torches and candles to church on Christmas Eve while singing the carol.

Watch me play Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella.

Be sure to watch the video on full screen.
Click the icon to the right of the volume/speaker icon in the lower right-hand corner.
Hit escape "ESC" on your keyboard to return to normal viewing.

Page 1 Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella Christmas Carol for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace

The Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
Sheet Music Package

The music package includes:
1. Background essay about the carol
2. Notation Key
3. Score in standard notation and tab
4. Score in standard notation only. (Three pages fit nicely on a music stand.)
5. Annotated score in standard notation and tab. Contains instructions to help you play the carol.
6. Annotated score in standard notation.

Only $6.00. Note: This arrangement is free for subscribers to my Technique Tip of the Month.

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J.S. Bach—Advanced arrangement as played by Christopher Parkening.
Arranged by Rick Foster, revised by Douglas Niedt.

Angel with Guitar for Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring classical guitar sheet music and tab

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring is from Bach’s Cantata #147. Though not written expressly for performance at Christmas, “Jesu” is now heard at yuletide observances worldwide. Christmas can be a time of celebration, contemplation, and even revelation. As guitarist Rick Foster has written, “Where better can one look for revelations than in the exalted music of Bach?”

Listen to Doug Perform Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Page 1 Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace

The Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Sheet Music Package

The music package includes:
1. Three versions of the arrangement (24 pages) in standard notation, standard notation plus tab, and tab only.
2. An mp3 audio file of guitarist Douglas Niedt playing the arrangement.

Only $6.00.

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Gustav Holst, Christina Rosetti (arranged by Douglas Niedt.

In the Bleak Midwinter, Version No. 1 by Gustav Holst, classical guitar sheet music and tab

Poet and writer Christina Rossetti did not intend her fine poem, In the Bleak Midwinter, to be a hymn or carol. Classical composer Gustav Holst first composed music for the poem in 1906. A second version (also arranged by Douglas Niedt and included in his Play It Like a Pro series), is by English organist Harold Darke, written in 1911.

Listen to Doug Perform In the Bleak Midwinter, Version No. 1

Thumbnail Page 1 In the Bleak Midwinter Version No. 1 for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace

The In the Bleak Midwinter, Version No. 1
Sheet Music Package

The music package includes:
1. Three versions of the arrangement (22 pages) in standard notation, standard notation plus tab, and tab only.
2. An mp3 audio file of guitarist Douglas Niedt playing the arrangement.

Only $6.00.

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Traditional Flemish Carol

This is a Flemish traditional carol. The arrangement is based on a choral arrangement by John Rutter.
Standard notation and tab.

Cradle Song

Watch me play CRADLE SONG.

Be sure to watch the video on full screen.
Click the icon to the right of the volume/speaker icon in the lower right-hand corner.
Hit escape "ESC" on your keyboard to return to normal viewing.

Page 1 easier version O Come O Come Emmanuel Christmas Carol for classical guitar Douglas Niedt In Heavenly Peace

Or, Listen to Doug Perform Cradle Song

The Cradle Song
Sheet Music Package

The music package includes the score in standard notation and standard notation plus tab.
Also included is the video and an mp3 of me playing the song. You may download them to all your devices.

Only $6.00. Note: This arrangement is free for subscribers to my Technique Tip of the Month.

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In the Bleak Midwinter

In the Bleak Midwinter II

(by Harold Darke)


Doug recorded two versions of this beautiful carol on his Christmas CD, In Heavenly Peace. This is the second version.

The PLAY IT LIKE A PRO™ format includes three detailed instructional videos to help you play In the Bleak Midwinter like a pro. Doug demonstrates how to play the piece measure by measure and explains all the technical and musical details required to play the piece on a professional level.

The package includes four versions of the score (in standard notation and tab) including an annotated version with detailed instructions on how to play this beautiful Christmas song with pro-level execution.

This is a digital download.

Download the three scores to your computers and devices. You can watch the three instructional videos and listen to the mp3 audio file on the In the Midwinter webpage or download them to your computers and devices.

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